
Christmas Message from Wing Chun Master | Master Wong

2019-02-21 23 Dailymotion

Christmas Message from Wing Chun Master | Master Wong
Vietnam Experience 2017
The date is closing in to join me on the Vietnam training experience in May 2017. Deposit must be paid in by the 4th of January 2017. More details on what is included on the trip is on our website

Super Early Bird Ticket Ending Soon!!!… Lock in your discount NOW: https://mastersofsuccess.co.uk

Master Wong and Dredie Mann Hosted 10K Karate Clash Get your ticket now and i will see you there! https://goo.gl/TdVgVF

Thank you all who has supported our action feature film campaign so far!
Not long to go until our campaign ends!
Support us here: https://realtargetfilm.com

Wing Chun Training Course
Wing Chun Sil Lim Tao £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/wyeMpb

Wing Chun Chum Kiu £50 £200 75% off – https://goo.gl/7HJtE4

Wing Chun Biu Jee £50 £200 75% off – https://goo.gl/0Ish9c

Wing Chun 116 Dummy Training £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/3dqPl8

Wing Chun Self Defence £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/vyHKrl

Wing Chun Self defence – Intermediate £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/lHlxbs

Wing Chun Street fighting £50 £150 75% off - https://goo.gl/Kg4Bzz

Wing Chun Street fighting Intermediate £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/yy4KpC

Wing Chun Street Fight Advanced £50 £200 67% off - https://goo.gl/GybJJC

Wing Chun Fitness – Competition £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/PNPZf9

Wing Chun Fitness – Competition Intermediate £50 £200 75% off – https://goo.gl/izz955

Wing Chun Master £20 £50 60% off - https://goo.gl/X6uQNq

JKD Body Weapon £20 £50 60% off - https://goo.gl/gPqIEa

Tai Chi Training Course
Tai Chi Chen Style £50 £200 75% off - https://goo.gl/gPfffO

Tai Chi – Yang Style – Chi Kung £50 £200 75% off – https://goo.gl/XRgc71

Tai Chi Combat £20 £50 60% off - https://goo.gl/lDaTyW

Lifetime access UDEMY E-Learning
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion

Master Wong - Wing Chun Master
Follow Master Wong on TWITTER: https://goo.gl/S8glr9
Follow Master Wong on INSTAGRAM: https://goo.gl/BMtvX0
Like Wing Chun Master on FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/f9ns2A

If you like what you see or want to know more about the Master Wong training system please visit our website; http://wingchunmaster.tv